Wednesday, March 13, 2013


A new pope has been elected, finally, after a month of speculations and news casts, we have the 76th year old Pope Francis (Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio).

I don't understand all the fuss even if I was raised as a Catholic. For the first few years of my life I was forced to attend Church every Sunday even if my grandmother didn't. I attended a Catholic school ran by nuns and, in grade sixth, I had a great teacher, her name was Sister Cecile, she was full of life and she attended church every day, sometimes twice a day. Soon after a couple of friends and I attended mass once and sometimes twice a day during that school year. I suspect I was looking for Sister Cecile's approval. This piety lasted until the end of my grade sixth year, I guess I did not have the CALLING and my inquisitive mind did not find the answers it was looking for. I guess I lacked faith, that blind faith.

I used to be intimidated by priests until I got to know one better, this one used to come to my aunt's house on a regular basis for many years while I grew up, I soon realized that he was just a man like all the others and that he liked little girls, especially when they sat on his lap. Fortunately for me, that was the extent of my experience with a priest. Then he got transferred and that was it.

However, as I got older and asked more questions that would remain unanswered or avoided, I decided that religion should be a personal affair, I believe in God, but I seriously question the Church and its leaders. Christ was a loving and forgiving soul unlike his Representative.

My impression of the Vatican is that its an institution that has grown on the back of the weakest, I am not sure what they have done for the people that would merit such attention. I couldn't believe the size of the crowd gathered at the Basilica to find out who the next Pope was going to be. The King of the Catholics, a spiritual King, leading a sick Kingdom. Again, I believe in God but not in the Church, at least not this one, I doubt that today's Church is in God's image.

And why do Popes have to have one foot in the grave to be elected, why can't they elect a forty year old one, is it because he may live to long and others won't get a turn? It would be nice to see a passionate person as a Pope, someone with energy and vision. But, they elected an old man, again. Congratulations to the New POPE, you made it !!!

For me the Vatican is nothing more than a fancy Boy's Club where a bunch of men decides what kind of life women and the less educated can have. So, so, so far from our reality.

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