Friday, July 22, 2011

What if? A food revolution

What if we (the people) stopped eating junk food? What would happen? No more chips, colas, burgers, hot-dogs, fries, and all that other stuff considered junk food. Would our economy collapse? Imagine no more McDonald, Wendy's, Jack in the Box, Burger King, Pepsi or Coca-Cola and many other companies or restaurant food chains that promotes JUNK FOOD.

I often wonder what would happen if each and everyone of us was held responsible for its own health, how would that translate in real life. The only free medical care one could access would be for illnesses one had not intentionally provoked. Lets face it, we all know what is, and what isn't good for our bodies, yet we still eat the junk, smoke the poison, drink the alcohol and even do the drugs. We do it knowing that ultimately some of that stuff will bring on diseases or even kill us.

Do we all have a death wish somewhere buried within? Why else do we perpetuate these unhealthy behaviors? Is this what the capitalist world is all about, mass production of junk food that creates bad consumer habits which ultimately is transformed into huge profits for the food, chemical, and pharmaceutical companies?

The money saved on our health care system could be transferred to the education departments and/or the maintenance of our infrastructures.

There seems to be a health consciousness awakening, and this trend is sort of forcing companies to change their product lines to include healthier choices; a trend that includes and focuses on water. More and more companies are getting into the water business, yet for most of us in North America we have access to free water. If we don't like the quality of our tap water we can always get a purifier system, even though our tap water is safe to drink, yet we spend millions of dollars collectively to buy bottled water. Water is a healthy choice for us, but not for the environment since most plastic water bottles end up in landfills.

When I was a kid there were water fountains in all the parks, government buildings, and many other places. What happened to those? Now days, some parks will even have a food stands (offering junk food) or vending machines where you can also buy water bottles for $2.00. How crazy is that?

I believe that if we collectively improved our diets this would have a profound effect on society as well, because usually a healthy body will host a healthy mind. There would be less diseases related to bad eating habits, less people in need of medical attention, therefore less prescription drugs and less chemicals going down the drain. Remember that prescription drugs, because of their chemical composition, will remain in our water systems for a very long time therefore affecting all living organism.

I know there are a lot more issues in this world then our eating habits but we have to start somewhere, and think, how can you change the world if you are sick? Our first responsibility is to ourself, we should all treat our bodies with respect.

By the way, I do break down and eat junk food from time to time but I try not to make a habit of it. Moderation is the key.

Food for thoughts!

1 comment:

  1. You're right, we can only take responsibility for ourselves and maybe our children. We won't live long enough to see the next age of enlightenment.
