Saturday, March 13, 2010


Well here it is my finish work. How were the ctitics? Actually, surprisingly positive, I think...My teacher decided that the Red Head was a bit humourous, she even suggested that she looked like a transvestite, she liked the exageration of the eyes. Other realy liked the blouse because it was looser and you cold see the brush strokes. The blouse is also my favorite part.

I must say even though she is not a master piece, the Red Head does command attention. She sorts of has an aura of mystery, drama Queen like. I don't know yet whether or not it is finish. I will let it stand and wait to see if somehow she compells me to make some changes.

As for the creature, they were all surprised to hear that it was orginally created in 1503 by Grunewald. I was facinated by the creatures in Grunewald's Isenheim Altarpiece, it seems that monsters have been part of our conciousness for a very longtime.

Overall, they seemed to think that my choices of subject were giving them a snapshot of my personnality! mmm, I wonder what kind of personnality they think I have based on that?

Next will be our final project, we have to make a series of paintings using two of the techniques we have been shown through the year. For my final project I would like to do a series of still life paintings. I will be using the tempera and glazing techniques. The theme I chose for this project is about a woman’s life through the shoes she wore from birth until old age.

Basically, the shoes are the witness of a woman’s evolution made through her selection of shoes. Obviously, she did not choose the first pair of shoes she wore as a baby and probably did not make these choices until her early teenage years; still I would like to paint this series about shoes from birth to childhood followed by the teenage years into her womanhood to finish with the golden years.

Shoes can demonstrate her state of mind, a glimpse of her personality and the changes she will experience through her life. Each of these experiences will influence the choices she will make when selecting the shoes that will carry her through to the next phase.

Why this theme, maybe because of a certain pair of shoes I was forced to wear at age 13, shoes I hated and shoes that lasted through anything I could think of trying to wear them out. Often, we forget how important our feet are, they carry us everywhere, and it is only when our feet hurt that we become aware of their importance in our daily lives.

So, I will start with a series of drawing to determined the compositions that will work best along with the colour schemes for each panel. It is always a stressful moment to begin a project, but it is also very exciting and stimulating because now I have to activate my creativity and I have to move forward and manifest my ideas on canvas. I know I will complain and really stress out, but I also know that within the process I will find that special moment that becomes timeless, when I paint I am in the moment, nothing else matters.


  1. Transvestite?? What?? Noooo
    When I first saw the piece I thought you had to pick a master to work from and you had picked this master
    Take teachers with a grain of salt. I spent years getting over the trama of art
    Rent "Art School Confidential" good for laughs and a funny cause it's true.
    I really like the background/blouse--colours are awesome and the angularity of her face is really of the time period of the artist I mentioned..
    Your little beastie is so cute though I must say I like mine a lot more evil and straight from hell looking :) The original version has a lot of history about alchemy and such that is far more interesting than what is actually on the actual painting.
    Keep going :)

  2. I think your redhead is really striking and a wonderful picture!
