I have been looking for topics to write about and stressing myself out in the process. Funny, since I started this blog for fun and to express myself.
The truth is that I have many interests and sometime art takes a back seat, the past few weeks I have been concentrating on work, this is our busy season so no time to waste. So, by the time I get home and take care of the mundane stuff, it is almost time for bed, no energy for personal projects.
However, when I do get some time to myself, I am torn between different things, painting, writing, reading, gardening, watching movies, cleaning, cooking and spending time with family and friends.
My work week is so full and organized that I hate to have to organize or prioritize my free time, however, this is basically the only way I can get some stuff done because if I don't, I get lost in trying to decide what I feel like doing.
This week is the perfect example, I took the week off and I wanted to do so many things, painting being one of them and this is day 7 and I haven't touched a paint brush yet. I did some shopping, cooking, lots of cleaning, walked the dogs for hours in the woods, sort out some papers (that are now in need of filing), gardened some, read some (Zen and the art of making a living by Laurence G. Boldt) , watch movies and the hockey playoffs ( I am almost happy that Canadian lost, more time for other things!).
I had to go and replace or BBQ gas tank and run by City Hall to deposit a permit request for some changes we want to make to the house. I forgot to tell you it was almost 40 degrees out there even the flowers would of liked to run for shade, I had to postponed gardening until it cooled down a bit. My neighbor had some workers doing his deck and they had to quit, they felt like eggs in a frying pan!
Still...no painting. The only regular activity was my daily walks with the dogs.
I drove down to the city a couple of times I had plan to spend 2 days with my great aunt spending a few hours on each of those days, she is ninety years of age but still very active. She wanted to go shopping for shoes and clean her closet and windows, we never did the cleaning part the weather was too nice. Finally, on Friday I brought her home with me for a BBQ and an overnight stay.
I did manage to take care of other stuff I had planed for the week, after my first day with my great aunt I met up with my daughter and we went for a Mexican dinner and a visit to the Fine Arts Museum to see an exhibit on Miles Davis, I was a bit skeptical about this show but it was very interesting and we both really enjoyed it, next thing we knew the security staff came to tell us the museum was closing, we spent two hours in Miles Davis's world.
I was most impressed by his achievements. Also, I really enjoyed his art work, yes he actually touched the Visual Art World as well. See some of his art work:
To finish the week, my son and daughter drove up to spend the rest of the weekend with us. The nice part is they brought supper and cooked for us, we had the perfect weather and we stayed until sundown out on the deck, actually it was more until a swarm of mosquitoes came charging our way.
Finally we are Sunday my last vacation day, I wonder after this week how I manage to find the time to work! Actually, I am starting to think that my working days are better managed than my off days.
My next blog will be about Fibre Art.